Monday, December 13, 2010

Dress Up Day

It's dress up day and we are at the store trying to find something not too scary, not to hookerish, {not sure if that's a word or not} and not to much money. I've got to go to work so I'm shopping at bionic speed. My girls can't wait until they can get color in their hair, so while shopping they talk me into purchasing color hair spray. Lia Pooh blue and Chocolate purple hair spray.

I feel so bad working today, but I have to! Opening day is right around the corner and I still haven't crossed anything off my list.

Talk to the kids and they told me that Big O had taken them to our church's celebration. They had to leave early because it was so cold. Now, it was cold when I left for work, and when hubby got home from work. The kids were fairys, they had on sandles no socks, no stockings, no coat, no sleeves. They about froze to death. Lia Pooh complained that when they finally left (just a half an hour after being there) she couldn't feel her fingers. Maybe I should have layed out exactly what they should have worn.

I got home around 11:30 and I really wanted to say something to Big O about how he let the kids dress when they went out, but decided to shut my big mouth. I did check on the kids and although they were sleep, their little faces were still covered in makeup, and hair was all colored up from the hair spray. { I'm sure that the color hair spray was the highlight of their little nights}

Another dress up day missed,
Boss Momma

Saturday, October 30, 2010

This time last year

I've been working almost daily now trying to make money for this years mall adventure. I'm really not sure how I'm going to pull this off, but I'm sure I will.

This time last year I was preparing for the mall setup. This year I've decided to start much later, November 19th to be exact. I've been doing alot of research but nothing has been crossed off my to do list. Oh well, off to getting the kiddos ready for "dress up day" otherwise known as Halloween.

Costume Hunting,
Boss Momma

Friday, October 29, 2010

The talk

It's sort of official. I haven't signed the contract, but I did tell the mall's leasing agent that I wanted the spot and that I had agreed to her almost double the price space. I'm mad that the cost is so much more expensive this year. I even cut back the time frame and I'm still paying more than last year. Ugh, I really want to do it so I better suck it up and pay it or let someone else have the spot.

I haven't been working or saving so I'm really thinking about taking investors for the business. With such a high rent this year I'm gonna need some investors. I absolutely hate asking people for money, even if it is for investment purposes. Oh well, I will think about money later, time to get planning if I'm goning to pull this off.

Planning Time,
Boss Momma

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's that time!

Yes, it has been almost a year since I came up with that crazy/fun idea of having a kiosk in the mall. Well, it's about time and I'm starting to get that itch again. Yeah yeah I know how much craziness went on last year, but I feel like I'm a lot better prepared and I know what to expect.

The largest obstacle was the car thing, and since last year went so well at the mall we were able to purchase a car in cash. {can I get a fist pump} whoot whoot! So this year, I think the biggest obstacle is raising the money to get into the mall and purchasing enough product to at least get started.

As of now I want to do the mall, but just thinking about the money needed to get started it may be a serious problem. I will keep you updated as to what's going on.

Addicted to the maddness,
Boss Momma

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 49 in the mall

My parents are leaving this morning and Brownie and I will be at the mall today. I let Brownie sleep in and I went to the mall to start the day off. Bad mistake...

I have 20 orders to do, and no help. I'm calling Big O to have him drop off Brownie.

Brownie is here and she is frustrated because of all the people and orders that are coming in. I tell her to breath, shake, and let it go. I think she has a new appreciation for what I do.

It's 6:30 and Shelly is now here. I'm so glad, we have tons of orders to do and we are still getting orders. This has been the second largest sales day since I've been here. It's funny how I can tell approximately how much I make by how my body feels.

I'm doing it Ya'll!
Boss Momma

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 48 in the mall

No time for kisses or goodbyes, I'm out the door ready for my day at the mall.

I've overwhelmed by the sales I'm getting. It's a Tuesday and I'm doing sales like it's a Saturday. Wow, I'm in shock every time the cash register dings.

Another great day of sales.

Tired and ready for bed.
Boss Momma

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 47 in the mall

I've gotten some rest from the weekend and I'm ready to start another day. Shelly is working her other job this morning so I will be starting the day off by myself.

The day has started off like a Saturday, I'm busy and can't wait until my mom gets here. I've already run out of product that I received on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. I will be placing my last bag order of the season today just so that I can have product for the last few days before Christmas.

Sales are still going really well. My body is exhausted, but to stop or quit is not an option.

I will Survive!
Boss Momma