Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 37 in the mall

I'm up again at the crack of dawn...I have packages to ship out for Homeschool Boutique, so I get those off and start getting ready for my day. The mall said last week that I could double my space since they let the other rhinestone lady in so close to me. My dear friend that picks the kids up for bowling every week bought a table over to me, so that's what I will be using.

I get there and add my table and try and decorate it as best as I can. I have a ton of new bags to display on it, but just don't know how it will look. Oh well, off I go...

Sales have been great today. People are making up for that missed day of shopping yesterday.

The set up looks least I think it does. I will post a picture later of my updated setup.

Sales have been coming steadily all day. A lady worker from the other rhinestone kiosk has come over to see what I have. She compliments me on my designs and we talk a bit. She tells me another rhinestone person has popped up in the mall downstairs. I just smile and think to myself, so what. The owner of the rhinestone kiosk that's close to me was upset because it was her friend that decided to open up a kiosk downstairs doing the same thing she's doing. Karma is something ain't it.

I'm thinking that this information should bother me, but it doesn't. What God has for me is for me and no other rhinestone kiosk will get what's for me! God does not get confused with his children he knows them and knows where they are. So, I don't care if 5 more rhinestone kiosk pop up, what God has for me is for me!

This day ended up being a great day for me. I'm tired and I just wanna hit the sack. I get home and talk to the kids a little. I feel horrible that we haven't done any school work in weeks. Lord, please help me to be able to get caught up and back on track after this adventure.

The tree is still not setup...
Boss Momma

Picture of expanded setup


  1. Boss Momma, the setup looks great. question: are you selling the homeschool tees at the kiosk too?

  2. Thank you for the sweet compliment. The only homeschool shirt that I'm selling here is the rhinestone Homeschool Mom shirt.
