Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 45 in the mall

Today, I will prepare for the best and the worst of working in retail. This morning is the calm before the storm. I'm looking forward to the eye of the storm which should be hitting around 3:00 ish.

This morning I'm so happy to have my parents here and Shelly. We kinda got a routine going last night so today we come in ready. My mom is still trying to fill out Shelly and Shelly knows it. My mom is double checking everything with me and starting to correct her mid sentence. What my mom doesn't know is Shelly is smart and quick on her feet. She is great when it comes to customer service and handling issues. She's detailed and understands the consumer mind set. I leave Shelly alone and let her work her strength. I didn't think I would ever feel comfortable enough with someone to let them just handle something without me. I'm glad I've found that it her, and I'm sure my mom will also see that too.

We have been working for hours without out food or bathroom break. My dad is here so he's has been our runner. I really wish he could pee for us. I mention to him my back was hurting so he ran to Wal*Mart and purchased me a hydrolic chair and a back brace. Awe, don't you just wanna daddy like mine. :)

We've done so many shirts and bags far, I can't even began to estimate todays sales. It just occured to me that when you pray for something you better be sure you can handle it. We are over flooded with orders and our best seller are the Nana's Angels shirt with the kids on them. The bags are a huge hit as well. I just got an order in yesterday of the bags and another order in the day before yesterday of bags and I'm already needing to put in another order just so I can have product to sell next week.

The mall is closed and all I can do is hobble out to the car. My fingers ache, my back is sooo outta whack, and my feet they just burn. But through all of this you know what I'm thinking...Thank you Lord for anwering our prayers. The times I've wanted to quit and give up I'm so glad I didn't. It has truly been on the prayers of my family and friends that I've walked.

My dad is so cool, he stays at the mall with us all day. He's caught a few movies, visited almost all the stores in the mall but he refuses to go home. Even thought Kelly bought me the van a few days ago, my dad says I shouldn't have to drive back and forth. I love him he is so thoughtful.

My kids are home waiting on me and as soon as I get home are running down the stairs with questions like how much did we make today and how many customers did we have. I tell them how much are total sales were for the day and they just start screaming. My kids are just as excited as we are. With that I go to bed to prepare myself for another long day.

Ain't no stopping us now...
Boss Momma

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