Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 14 in the mall

I'm up again at the crack of dawn, did I ever mention that I'm not a morning person, at all.

My first thing to do this morning is to ship out packages from my Homeschool Boutique and Ebay websites. Homeschool Boutique is a trendy online apparel store I own and Ebay is a lot of different stuff I sell.

All done with that now I'm off again to put in my 11 hours of work. Only problem is my ride hasn't shown up yet. Yikes, I'm calling every other person I can think of, no one is answering. I'm thinking they see it's my number and know I need a ride and just don't wanna take me. (I'm sure this is just me) Tears just start welding up in my eyes. I'm supposed to be at the mall at 10:00 it's now 10:03. I get all my things together and start walking to the mall. It so cold I can't do it. Now tears are coming by the boat load. I hate being so emotional. I usually never am...I don't know what my problem is. After making a few more calls I find one person who hesitantly comes and drop me off.

I arrived at 10:28 and prayed the mall hadn't issued a fine. Whew, no fine... Cleaned my face and got ready to start my day at the mall.

No shirt sells today, but it's Tuesday and that's expected. Shelly came by today (the lady I hired to work with me) we talked and talked and talked. You know how sometimes you just know people are supposed to be in your life at certain times? This is one of those times you just know. Call it a gut feeling, I'm not sure...she is meant to be here! She is a faith builder which I need and I'm a dreamer something that she needs.

Home and the kids are in my room waiting. We do our nightly dicussions, do what little bit of school work we can and off to bed we all go.

In God I trust,
Boss Momma

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